Why is it important to wear a mask?

The use of a mask decreases the spread of COVID-19 and that is why it has become an essential element in our daily routine. They cover the mouth, nose, and chin, so that they act as a barrier that blocks the virus: they protect us and we protect others from possibly passing on the infection.

Virological, epidemiological, and ecological data show that the use of the mask protects against the virus that causes the COVID-19 disease, according to publications in the New England Journal of Medicine. There is evidence that mask wearers are exposed to a much lower viral load, which also means that they not only prevent the spread of the disease, but that they can also reduce the symptoms in case of infection.

Social distancing, confinement (as far as possible), and frequent handwashing with antibacterial products are added to the mass wearing of masks to prevent the transmission of the virus. In order for you to use them correctly, we remind you of the following guidelines:

Not all masks protect equally. You must choose a surgical type mask and confirm that it is the correct size so that the fit is perfect and you feel comfortable while wearing it.

Surgical or cloth mask? Surgical masks with three layers protect against drops or splashes of bodily fluids, resist the humidity of respiratory air flow, and have a high percentage of bacteria filtration (more than 90%). Cloth masks are not hygienic enough and particles can penetrate the cloth between 40% and 90%.

Placement. Before putting one on, wash your hands (or use an antibacterial gel), and once on, avoid touching it.

Wear time. It is not recommended to wear the mask for longer than eight hours. If it gets damp or deteriorates while being worn you must switch it out for another one.

Face care. Chafing, friction, and the pressure from the mask may cause irritation and reddening on the face. If this happens, wash that area of the face well and apply an ointment to help the skin heal. To avoid it, choose a good quality mask and make sure it is soft.

Take the mask off from the back and without touching the front. Put it in a plastic bag (they are “biohazards” and should not be disposed of alongside recyclable household garbage) and put it in a closed bin. Afterwards, wash your hands well.

Do not reuse masks. Remember that with disposable masks there is a lower risk of spreading infection than with reusable ones.

Dulty’s has disposable surgical masks with three layers of protection and over 90% filtration. You will feel the comfort with their perfect fit and soft fabric to avoid irritation to the skin of your face.

Buy them on:

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