Advice to keep your hands clean and hydrated

Hand hygiene is the main way to stop the spread of harmful germs and infections, since they are the main transmission route. The number of times you should wash your hands each day should not be below 10 and each handwashing session should take at least 20 seconds. At home you can do this with water and soap, but when you go out don’t forget to bring antibacterial gel and use it every time your hands come into contact with surfaces, objects, or any outside party.

We know that washing hands so often and using hydroalcoholic gels can cause dryness and affect the appearance of one’s hands. So that this doesn’t happen to you, here are six recommendations to help you keep them hydrated:

  • Hot water causes flaccidness and dryness in the skin of the hands. Therefore, it is better to wash them in lukewarm or cold water.
  • Choose soaps and cleaning products that contain soothing and hydrating ingredients. Those made with formulas with a natural extract base, such as calendula or aloe vera, are ideal.
  • One of the hands’ worst enemies is moisture. If you do not dry them completely the skin can crack. After washing, try patting dry until they are completely dry and then apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Exfoliate your hands once a week to remove dead skin cells and deeper grime. This way you will help the skin renewal and ease the absorption of the moisturizing products you apply.
  • The use of gloves (nitrile or latex) causes sweat retention and generates a skin maceration process that can lead to irritation and dryness. When you take them off you must wash your hands well with soap and then deep moisturize. To take good care of them, products containing glycerin are very helpful.
  • If you are going out, remember to apply sunblock to your hands as well. This way you can avoid spots appearing and the uncomfortable and unsightly dryness caused by the sun’s heat.

It is vital to use high quality hygiene products to protect you and your loved ones’ health.

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